Legal notices

Site publisher

The site is property of EuropaTrad

SAS (société par actions simplifiée, i.e., French simplified joint-stock company) with capital of €40,000.

SIRET (company registration number): 440 733 236 00036

APE (French main business activity) code: Translation and Interpreting (7430Z)

Responsible publisher: Mr. Stéphane Hue, CEO.


EuropaTrad, language service provider in Lyon

33, Cours Albert Thomas

69003 Lyon – FRANCE

Tel.: +33 (0)4 72 71 15 95

Site hosting

This site is hosted by o2switch.

Postal address:

O2SWITCH 222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France

SARL o2switch with capital of €7,500

Clermont-Ferrand Trade and Companies Register – SIRET: 510 909 80700016 – VAT: FR35510909807

The o2switch brand is registered with the French Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) under number 09 3 645 729.


Design and development: Matière 1ère – 22 rue Laure Diebold – 69009 Lyon – France

Legal provisions

The information published on this site and more generally on the domain names property of language service provider EuropaTrad is provided for information purposes only.
EuropaTrad compiles and produces this content based on different corroborative sources.
EuropaTrad cannot be held liable for the truthfulness and relevance of content or any use and utilisation that the site user may make of it.

Any reproduction, modification, publication, or total or partial copying of content featured on EuropaTrad’s domains, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, is prohibited.

Waiver of warranty

EuropaTrad endeavours to make as sure as possible of the accuracy and updating of the site’s content.
Nevertheless, EuropaTrad waives all liability regarding any information viewed on or via the site, particularly the content, its exhaustiveness, its accuracy or its reliability.
EuropaTrad does not provide any warranty whatsoever, express or implicit, particularly regarding the absence of service outages or errors or the performance or results resulting from use of the site.
The information contained on the site may be modified at any time.
EuropaTrad cannot guarantee that the information is comprehensive, truthful or current.

Waiver of liability

EuropaTrad cannot be held liable to you or any third party for any direct, indirect or consequential damage resulting from use of information and material contained on the site or any other content to which you have access via links on the site.

Directly or indirectly linked sites are not under EuropaTrad’s control.
Consequently, language service provider EuropaTrad does not accept any liability for information published on these sites.
Links to external sites are provided only for convenience’s sake and do not constitute any endorsement of their content.

Data protection and personal data protection

EuropaTrad is the data controller for data collected on the site

The provisions relating to personal data protection are set out on the Privacy policy page.

Users of the site are required to comply with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 amended, breach of which is liable to criminal sanctions.
They must particularly refrain, regarding personal information to which they have access, from any collection, any misuse, and generally, any act liable to invade personal privacy or damage personal reputation.

Links from and to content on this site

The content of EuropaTrad’s internet sites can include links to other sites or other internet content, which is not property of EuropaTrad.
Consequently, EuropaTrad cannot be held liable for this content and the functioning of these sites (cookies, personal data collection, etc.).

Furthermore, it is possible to create links to content compiled or produced by EuropaTrad.
To optimise these links for both sites, EuropaTrad may request that the setup of the link be modified (keywords, URL, etc.).


All rights reserved.
© EuropaTrad 2023.