Prices and lead times

Understanding our prices
Our translation services are, for the most part, invoiced per source word, in other words, the number of words contained in the files or documents to be translated.
Prices range from €0.07 to €0.30 per word, depending on the translation solution selected, the level of quality required, the language combination, and the level of specialisation of the translation topic.
Not all words are invoiced at full price. This is true for repetitions. Repetitions means the sentences or sections that are repeated identically in a document or batch of documents, or which are stored in a translation memory compiled for a customer during previous translations.
Using translation memories can reduce translation costs by up to 30%.
The overall price of a translation service will also vary depending on the number of additional services:
Preparation of files and documents before translation and/or finalisation once translated
Configuration services or setting up connectors (for content translated in CMSs, for example)
The urgency of the request, which may be subject to a “last-minute” surcharge
Our video translation services (localisation) are invoiced per minute of subtitled or dubbed video.
This price per minute includes all work required to produce the subtitling or dubbing, including translation and adaptation.
For short videos, a minimum price is applied.

Our lead times
For translations, our lead times take into account several factors:
The availability of translators for a given language combination or field
The time required to prepare the content.
For example, for PDF files, these must be converted into editable documents for translation.
The time required to translate the documents
The time required for proofreading and quality control
The time required for final formatting
For large volumes, and to reduce lead times, we may have several translators work on the translation at the same time.
Selecting a Verified Machine Translation solution also reduces translation lead times significantly.
For videos, subtitling or synthetic voice dubbing solutions can also reduce lead times.

Examples of prices and lead times
To help you estimate the price of a translation, here are a few examples. We provide a specific quote for each service, enabling us to calculate the best possible price.
These prices are given for information purposes only. In most cases, the actual price is reduced through the use of translation memories. Using verified machine translation, when suitable, can also reduce these prices.
Website (2 languages)
Characteristics: 15 pages / approx. 8,000 words / 2 target languages EN and DE
Guide price: €2,900 excl. tax
Lead time: 5 to 6 business days
Technical data sheets (5 languages)
Characteristics: 30 pages / 8,000 words / 5 target languages EN, IT, TR, EL and NL
Guide price: €7,250 excl. tax
Lead time: 5 business days
Catalogue (2 languages)
Characteristics: 50 pages / approx. 12,000 words / 2 target languages IT and DE
Guide price: €4,100 excl. tax
Lead time: 9 business days
Contract FR>EN
Characteristics: 10 pages / 2,500 words
Guide price: €390 excl. tax
Lead time: 2 business days
Terms and conditions of sale (2 languages)
Characteristics: 4 pages / 2,000 words / 2 target languages ES and DE
Guide price: €550 excl. tax
Lead time: 2 business days
Blog article subscription (2 languages)
Twice per month
Characteristics: 1 page / approx. 700 words / 2 target languages EN and ES
Guide price: €4,500 excl. tax/year
Lead time: 1 to 2 business days
5 calculation notes + 3 diagrams EN>DE
Characteristics: 110 Word pages + 3 Excel tabs + 6 DWG pages / 17,500 Word words + 2,500 Excel words + 1,200 DWG words
Guide price: € 3,600 excl. tax
Lead time: 16 business days